Midwifery Care for Families
in Southern California
At Gold Soul Midwifery, our vision is to marry the midwifery model of care with family centered care. With a focus on awareness of social, psychological, and spiritual aspects of health, midwifery and family involvement, the two make a perfect marriage and help to influence an empowering, intentional, and memorable prenatal, birthing, and postpartum experience.

As a midwife I believe that childbirth is a normal and natural event which, when left to proceed without unnecessary intervention, will result in an uncomplicated end in most cases. As midwives, our work is to support the birthing family in the journey through the childbearing year by monitoring that natural process. A hallmark of the services I provide are the significant time and attention I spend developing a relationship with your family and providing education. With nurturing care and adequate knowledge, families will feel comfortable and peaceful with their birth plans.
I value creating a relationship of trust by providing families with individualized, compassionate care during the childbearing year. I facilitate personal, informed decision-making through the midwifery model of care and evidence-based practices. I recognize that birth is a natural process and strive to create an undisturbed, private, and safe environment through the attendance of your trusted birth attendants, utilizing the lowest amount of interventions possible with respect to the well-being of the birthing person, baby, and family.
I offer evidence based, comprehensive midwifery care with a holistic approach using natural alternatives, good nutrition, whole body health, movement, herbs and plant based healing. It is my mission to ensure my clients receive the best possible care and to take all necessary measures to ensure their safety and well-being. It is my goal to foster an environment that is both physically and emotionally safe. I will encourage natural birth as the safest option for both mother and baby.
Pregnancy & birth are very special, intimate times. It is essential that you hire a midwife with whom you are comfortable and feel is a good fit. I would love to meet with you and hear your story and share some of mine. I offer a free consult where you can get to know me and ask questions, helping you make the best choice of a midwifery provider for you and your family.
Birth At Home
Midwives have always known how to support families through normal, healthy pregnancies and births. They are trained to specialize in normal and have ways to help when things deviate from that. They have experience managing many complications of childbirth and know when to refer moms and babies for competent medical care. Prenatal care is offered in home where safe maternity care is provided to low-risk women who are wanting to have their babies in their home.
If women are allowed to trust and listen to their bodies, they will naturally seek out dark, safe, quiet places to give birth. A space comfortable and unique to themselves. Unlike a hospital setting that is medical and not very welcoming.
Surrounded by the people you love and trust, your body can release the hormones that allow your body to open up and let your baby out easier.
Prenatal Care
In pregnancy, most people experience great physical, emotional, social and spiritual changes, and it is my intention to support pregnant individuals and families during this time of transformation. As a midwife I offer my skills, experience, and loving attention as well as my deep trust in and respect for birth to help make this transition as seamless as possible.
The prenatal period is a time for us to get to know one another and family. Individualized and personal prenatal care is one of the hallmarks of midwifery care. It is the development of a relationship of trust between the midwife and her client.
Home & Water Birth
The labor and birthing of a child is one of the most amazing, vulnerable, and life-altering things a person can do. As a midwife, I monitor you and your baby throughout labor to detect and address any complications that may arise and guide you through a natural, safe birth in your home.
I will enter your birthing space calmly and quietly when I join you in labor. I will take care to personalize your birth based on the desires you shared with me during our prenatal visits.
As you labor, I will offer support, guidance, and comfort to help you birth your little one into the special birth environment you have created for them.
Postpartum Care
The postpartum care a midwife provides is just as important as prenatal care. It is ensuring that mother and baby are thriving, breastfeeding is going well, and that no complications develop after the birth. It is the personal continuation of midwifery care, even after your baby is born.
After your your baby is born, nourishing your body and bonding with your baby are the most important things to do! Postpartum visits are an essential part of your care. I will come to your home several times during the first two weeks to check on you and your family, weigh baby, assist with breastfeeding challenges, discuss any issues that have come up, and provide resources.

“Jessie has an extreme depth of knowledge and makes you feel absolutely comfortable and confident. I know my birth would not have gone the way it beautifully did if I did not have Jessie. I did successfully have my unmedicated VBAC and I give so much of that to having Jessie. She was so strong for me during labor and all day helping me through me emotions and the actual delivery.!”
— Jessica W.

My Commitment to Give Back
I believe every family should have access to respectful quality care within their own communities. Every year I will donate a portion of my fee to student midwives and organizations that are dedicated to improving maternal and infant outcomes.